Kanata West Pump Station and Forcemains

Kanata West Pump Station and Forcemains

Heavy Civil Infrastructure

The new Kanata West Pump Station and Forcemains project allows for the continued growth and development in the Kanata West area, as well as intercept drainage from the existing areas north of Hazeldean Road. The project involved the construction of a 275m long new inlet gravity sewer on Maple Grove Road, a new 660L/s sanitary pump station and control building, construction of twin 3.9km long forcemains, and a 135m outlet sewer.

This complex project had several moving parts, so careful coordination and detailed planning was key to its success. A major component was the requirement to maintain existing flows when connecting the new inlet gravity sewer to the existing sewer and the coordination of pedestrian and vehicular traffic in the area while the work was being completed. Testing and commissioning plans were carefully developed in conjunction with the project schedule, allowing sufficient time for equipment start up and testing. Doran’s organization and dedication during the commissioning phase resulted in a very smooth turnover to City of Ottawa Operations.


Contract Type: Stipulated Price
Owner: City of Ottawa
Completion: June 2018
Engineer: Stantec Inc.


  • Project completed two months ahead of schedule
  • Installation of a 660L/s sanitary pump station with 500HP diesel engine pumps
  • 275m of 1200mm inside diameter sewer installed
  • Nearly 4km of 600mm inside diameter forcemains installed
  • 135m of 1050mm inside diameter outlet sewer installed
  • Extensive heavy civil work completed by Doran’s sister company, Taggart Construction
  • Doran’s proactive approach to identifying potential construction costs and concerns were instrumental in the success of the project